Renewal of construction license

Service description

A service that allows the visitor to issue a renewal of his building permit.

-​Entering the service through the Baladi portal. 
-Selecting the license to be renewed. 
-Determining the status of the building (construction has not started - the building is under construction - the building is existing).
-Choosing the designing engineering office (the approved designer) or retrieving it from insurance if there is insurance. -Choose the supervising engineering office or get it back from the insurance.
-Choose the building contractor or get it back from the insurance.
-Send the request to the engineering office to complete the rest of the procedures.
-You can follow the status of the request through the page (My requests and licenses)
-Contracting with an engineering office.
-paying the service fees.
​​-having an insurance policy in case construction does not begin, and the type of construction requires insurance.


Service delivery channels

Baladi portal
Service implementation time: 1-10 days​

Service Type / Classification

Main Service/Construction Permitting Services

Service category

Individual sector services
Business services
Government sector services

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