Issuance of a sidewalk occupancy license

Service description

Through this service, the visitors can expand his business by exploiting the sidewalk opposite the shop by renting it for a limited period by issuing this permit and linking it to the commercial activity license of the establishment.

-Determine the establishment’s record and choose the license.
-Complete the required data.
-Send the application to the municipality.
-Pay the fees after the application is approved by the municipality.

-Approved plan from an engineering office, 
-photographic image from the reality of the session
 -architectural plan (Muscat), 
-architectural plan (sector), 
-architectural plan (perspective)
-Investment contract if the sidewalk owned by the municipality.


Service delivery channels

Baladi portal
Service implementation time: 1-10 days​

Service Type / Classification

Main Service / Commercial Activities Licensing Services

Service category

Business sector services

Government sector services

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