Cancelling a commercial activity license

Service description

At the stage of termination of business practice, the visitor must cancel his commercial license associated with the facility, and through this service you can do this for the following activities, including but not limited to: business license, environmental licenses, industrial company license, medical company license, food company license, tourism company license, professional institution license.. Etcetera.

-Determine the establishment register and choose the license.
-Complete the required data, if any.
-Pay the fees in case of immediate cancellation or send the application to the municipality in case the cancellation is not immediate.

-In the case of the cancellation is not immediate, attachments are requested to prove the closure of the activity.


Service delivery channels

Baladi portal
Service implementation time: 1-10 days​

Service Type / Classification

Main Service / Commercial Activities Licenses  Services​

Service category

Business sector services
Government sector services

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